As a non-profit organization, we heavily rely on the support of the community as our funds are limited. Donations are a vital aspect to our agency in order to continue to provide programs and services at no cost to domestic violence and sexual assault victims. Even in our Thrift Store, we have daily needs that need to be met.
Donations be dropped off at:
Finder’s Keepers: 1241 Hargett St (Daily, 10-4)
Wish List:
T-Shirt Bag: Plain white or black with "Thank you" written on them. Often Boxed in increments of 1000.
Strung Marking Tags by Avery: White, 1 3/4" X 1 3/32". Comes in increments of 1000. Item Number (12204).
Multi-Use Label by Avery: White, 1/2" X 3/4", 1008 label (28 sheets). Item Number (5418).
Price tags for Clothing: Bigger ones with lines for size and pricing preferred.
Receipt Tape: Credit Card size, pack of 15 rolls, 2 ply, 3" X 100ft.
For Register: Pack of 48 rolls, thermal paper, 2 1/4" X 50ft
Ziploc bags: All sizes needed.
Trash Bags: 33 & 13 gallon needed. Preferably white or clear bags.
Clear Packing Tape
Zip ties: All sizes, Any color.
Rubber Bands: All sizes, Any color.
Batteries: AA, AAA, C, C, 9-Volt, anything smaller than AAA
Toilet Paper: Rapid-Dissolving Toilet Paper (typically used for RVs), found at Walmart
Paper Towels
Cleaning Supplies: Sponges, glass cleaner, multi-use cleaner, floor cleaner (carpet & tile), hand soap, hand sanitizer, bathroom cleaner, air Fresheners, Lysol wipes, disinfectant spray, dust cloths.
Office Supplies: Pens, Sharpies, dry erase markers, paper (white & decorative), paper clips, staples, printer ink (Canon 240 xl black), whiteout.
Stamps for Thank you Notes (postcard, 32¢)
First aid supplies: Large band-aids, Neosporin
All these items can be purchased at many places like: Staples, SAMS Club, Office Max, Walmart, Kmart, and the Post Office for the Stamps. We try to stay universal on all our tags for prices and receipt tape. All others can be different brands.
All items listed are what we use on a regular basis at the Thrift Store. Your donation of any of these items may be tax deductible as we are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Thank you for the support and help. It is much appreciated. Remember, every little bit helps!