Your acts of kindness could potentially save the life of someone in need and provide them with services that could change their life. Onslow Victims Center is able to provide our services free of charge because people like you show compassion and support this wonderful cause.
Speaking Engagements:
Have one of our staff arrange a speaking engagement to members of the community to spread awareness and educate them about our services. Please contact the main office at (910) 238-2941 or email our Outreach Manager at MGragg@OnslowWC.org for further information.
Cash or in-kind donations are always accepted and appreciated at our main office or thrift store locations. Each time that you donate, you are helping save a life. Since we are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, we will provide you with a tax deductible receipt when you donate!
Employee Giving:
Donate through your workplace or the local United Way program! All you have to do is make known where you want your donation to go to from your paycheck.
Cell Phone Recycling:
Onslow Victims Center partners with Shelter Alliance to raise money through cell phone and smart phone recycling. For every cell phone that you donate, Onslow Victims Center receives the funds to support our programs and services. Learn More.
A fundamental element in our organization is our volunteers. Click here to find out what volunteer opportunities are available at this time.
OVC Wish List:
Check out our Wish List to help fulfill some of the basic needs of our shelter and our clients. Learn More.
Gift Cards:
We like to try to help our client's make a fresh start by giving what we can in gift cards to make the transition a little easier. Frequently requested gifts cards would be: Walmart, Target, Local Grocery Stores, Visa, Chain Pharmacies, Gas & Phone Cards, and Bus Passes.
Finders Keepers Thrift Store:
Donate or shop at our Finder’s Keepers Thrift Store in Jacksonville, NC!
1241 Hargett Street
Jacksonville, NC 28540
(910) 346-1611
Click here for additional information regarding Finders Keepers.